Saturday, August 02, 2008

Rainy Day Run and Camp Pick-Up

Run: 11 miles in 1:25:00 min. @ 6:30 a.m.
Weather: Rain, 68°F, 84% Humidity, Wind: From WNW @ 3 mph; feels like 68°F.
Training Plan Suggested Mileage: 10 miles
Average Mile Page: 7:44 min./mi.
Course: Maureen's 10 found on USATF Map It!.

As nice a day as rainy days get... ten miles went by quickly with the precipitation offering immediate re-hydration. Though I was not looking forward to getting up and out today, as is often the case, I'm grateful that I could, and did.

Even better, today Anne and I drove to pick up my son at YMCA Camp, where he has been for the past seven days. This was his first experience at an over night camp, and I am happy to report that he had a great time sailing, swimming and just having all-around fun. Initially I was a little concerned (like most parents, I suppose) when the pictures posted on the camp's website (a great feature!), like the one to the right, showed him in a more "contemplative repose." It was all in my head, of course, as he was muddy, tired and pleased with his experience when we pulled into camp.

I am always proud when any of my children show me the qualities (motivation, compassion, ease with people) they possess through their actions, that I feel I may somehow lack. It's amazing how often they can surprise in their slightest behaviors...

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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