There are two clear changes to my training which will take place: first, moving to a four-day-a-week training schedule as opposed to five, and second, the employment of targeted pace for each of four "key runs," the fourth of which is not not part of the FIRST plan, but rather a personal concession I am making for myself as one who enjoys running four days weekly in order to maintain an ultra base.
Here's what took place:
Legend: R = Running, ri = recovery interval, ez = easy, mt = mid-tempo, wu = warm-up, cd = cool down, ez = easy, B = BicyclingThis past week was my final one working Summer School, so how well I'll be able to continue building bicycling weeks into my day is up for debate. I felt strong running this week, and with no "races" registered for, I am looking forward to some good relaxing training for the balance f the summer recess.
Monday: Rest, B 24 miles
Tuesday: R 5.1 miles, B 24 miles
Wednesday: R 8.1 miles
Thursday: R 6.6 miles
Friday: Rest, B 17 miles
Saturday: R 11 miles
Sunday: R 8.9 miles
TOTAL (Run)--39.7 miles (-5.8 miles from the previous week)
TOTAL (Bicycle)--65 miles (+55.5 miles from the previous week)
The only potential "blip" in my following the "new" schedule is that Anne and I will be flying out to Colorado next weekend (and into next week) to stay with he brother, and just how often or far I'll be able to run is wide open at his point. If I were to miss any (or all) of my scheduled runs, I think it would have little negative impact and might even allow for me to rest a little. Despite the fact that I've devoted an entire blog to this hobby, I do realize (and accept) that there are more important things in life other than running...
Breathe in, breathe out... YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!
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