Date: April 28, 2009
Bicycling: 12 miles in :40:31 min. @ 4:45 p.m.
Weather: Partly Cloudy, 59°F, 63% Humidity, Wind: From N @ 10 mph; feels like 57°F.Course: Bike 2 Work Day Route 1 made using USATF Map It!.
The return ride home after work yesterday was much more challenging, especially given the extremely warm temperatures... not a favorite weather condition for yours truly to pedal in! Fortunately, I had some pictures on file (from bicycling trips in years past) with which I can give you a quickie guided visual tour of the ride from school to my abode, a distance covering roughly 12 miles.
Here is where the ride ended this morning and begins this afternoon, the not-so-secret back entrance to the school at which I work.

The Greece Bike Path (also picured at the top of this post) goes beside Greece Olympia High School and past its baseball and football fields. There is quite a lovely selection of bird sounds emanating from the trees between the path and the expressway... if you can hear them through the sound of traffic, that is.

At the end of the Greece Bike Path, or at least the point at which it opens onto the very busy Ridge Road area, there is the odd juxtaposition of scenic pseudo-lake and four lane expressway. Such is the nature of the two huge influences in our community... development and a desire to maintain some green space.

Kodak Park at the corner of Ridge Road and Lake Avenue. MY grandfather worked here in the offices and my father worked in the electrical plant. I, too, worked there for a short time during college, spooling and packaging film on a conveyor belt one summer and serving as a courier another summer. (Hey, I think that yellow school bus is following me!)

Maplewood Park on Lake Avenue and home of the annual rose garden festival. If you look to the upper right hand corner you can see the YMCA my family and I frequent.

At the end of St.Paul, or at least where it splits off) and just past Genesee Brewery, the city becomes much more "mod" and the amount of foot traffic decreases significantly, that is until the coffee shops around the Eastman Theater near East Avenue.

From this point on it was pretty much business as usual, bicycling through neighborhoods I frequently run on the weekends... and straight on til home!
Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!
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