Monday, April 13, 2009

Music Monday: "Busindre Reel"

"Oh dho que'
Va t'ma fsa vio ka,
Zapatien dorwi thole padreyyen."

About twelve years ago, my first wife and I took a trip to Toronto, and while there I blindly purchased a number of "World Music" CDs, and among them was a sampler including the song linked above, "Busindre Reel" by Hevia.

Upon first listen, I was both mesmerized and perplexed as I had a difficult time identifying just what type of muss it was (other than instrumental) and what instrument he was playing. The notes certainly sounded like that of a bagpipe, but from the picture of the artist included in the booklet it was clear that he was not Scottish. Not long thereafter, now back in the US, I came across Hevia's first American release, Tierra de Nadie (1998) and the pieces began to come together.

Come to find out, now aided by Wikipedia) that José Ángel Hevia Velasco, known professionally as Hevia, is a Spanish bagpiper, or more specifically, an Asturian gaita player. Though "Busindre Reel" remains his most well known international piece, I would strongly recommend any of his CD; I can assure that Tierra de Nadie still finds its way into my car for long car rides during the summer...

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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