Weather: Partly Cloudy, 41°F, 86% Humidity, Wind: From SSW at 9 mph; feels like 35°F/41°F.
Pace: 7:57 min/mile
Course: Thirteen Mile Test Run, made using USATF Map It! for which I once again used my wife's Alma Mater, Nazareth College, as the "turnaround."
Pre-Run Ruminations: If I were to participate in this
So, let's do the math. Let's just imagine that I anticipated covering the 32.5 miles (or about 50 kilometers) given the six hours time limit. That would mean maintaining a consistent pace of about 11 minutes per mile. Now that we know what the anticipated pace might be, perhaps a practice run of a third (10-13 miles) at "race pace" would be in order. The planned route (Thirteen Mile Test Run) is slightly over thirteen miles in distance, so if I pace myself at 11:00 min/mi. that makes the target finishing time for today's run is approximately 2 hours and 23 minutes!
Afterward, I'll (briefly--I promise!) evaluate how I'm feeling (chest pains, leg aches, ankle turns, etceteras), and see how realistic the thought of running this particular race on Saturday is. This will undoubtedly sound conceited, but aerobically, I am confident in my ability to successfully complete the ultra, it is the other variable (as mentioned previously) that are a greater cause for pause...
Post-Run Reflections: This morning's run went very well, though my confidence is slightly tempered given the nearly perfect running conditions this morning... if every race could be executed in cloudy, 41°F weather, I'd be a content cat. Other than an unplanned four minute "pit stop" at a McDonald's at around mile 8, everything went pretty well, except, that is, my ability to pace myself. Internally (in my mind) I felt as though I was slowing myself down, focusing on my from and breathing, but when I did the math afterward, my pace was about 8:00 min/mile, when my goal was 11:00.
Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!
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