Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What Now, Achy, Shaky Heart?

My training over the past few weeks has been a little sporadic, due primarily to lingering concerns following my hospital stay a few weeks ago. Immediately following my release from the Emergency Room, I (sort of) resumed training, but in the past few days have found the discomfort in my chest and arm to be too much to just look past while running.

In the days (week?) of training which lead up to (as well as directly following) my hospital stay, I found that running and exercise did not exacerbate the discomfort and that, in fact, the activity served to move my attention beyond the troublesome "ache."

I'm really not trying to be melodramatic, but rather trying to articulate for you (and me) why my activity level has tapered off of late. Especially as this current malaise represent a change in my common training pattern... Normally, with Spring Break next week, I would be re-asserting my commitment to a training plan due top the freed up time.

This break though will have a slightly different emphasis as I'm hoping to first see my primary care physician for my second post-emergency room follow-up and (as my symptoms have neither dissipated nor improved) seek a referral to a specialist... just whom and for exactly what is to yet be determined.

I would really like to get a more meaningful diagnosis than the vague (and frustrating) "virus" though so that I can continue to move forward...

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!


Wilmaryad said...

I hope you're feeling better by now, Scotty! :)

I bumped into your blog on Blog Explosion, and felt a trace of wit and fun, so thought I'd drop a line.

Rock on, man! :)

P.S. Oh, and you're a fellow teacher!

Mister Scott said...

thanks for fumbling onto here and commenting... good news... this teacher has the next week off, so relaxation and fun are likely in the forecast! :)