Pace: 8:35 min/mile
Course: Eastside 21 made using USATF Map It!

number of duck families from miles 10-13 on the Erie Canal.
Pre-Run Ruminations: Not sure how this will turn out. The plan is this: run 21 miles at a pace of 8:30 min/mile equating to a run time of three hours. What I know as I'm planning this out on Friday is that I have to be at a track meet at 10:00 a.m. (Monroe County Track & Field Championships), my wife is still not feeling well, so I'll need time to make sure she is comfortable, and I'll need to leave early in the morning when it is cool.
A couple of things I know that I will do for sure to prepare is to prepare my hydration belt with three 12 oz. flasks of H20 and Powerade mixtures, pack a sleeve of Cran-Raz Clif Bloks, and lay out my running gear in the morning. Oh, yeah, set up the coffee before bed so I can slam me a cup before heading out. It is probably in my best interest to hold off meditating until the evening so that I can maximize the available time in the early morning.
Post-Run Reflections: I'll be darned, but I made it! I nearly stopped for good at mile 19, but after chugging my last flask of Powerade, "muscled" my way though the final three miles. Perhaps the most rewarding development during this morning's run is how mentally lucid I felt upon finishing it. Generally, after such a long run, my mind is scattered, but this time it was less so. Of course, doubt crept in at the seventeenth mile and I'll credit the diluted sugar rush that came with the 50-50 Powerade-to-H2O solution for giving me enough energy to pull it together.
The tough part will be just how in the blue blazes will I run ten miles tomorrow?
Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!
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