Pace: 7:22 min/mile
Course: A moderate lope around my old neighborhood: Monroe to South Goodman, a right into Highland Park and past the Lamberton Conservatory, left onto South Avenue, another left down Elmwood until taking a left onto Eastland to Southern Parkway, back onto Monroe then down Culver to home.

When my children were little we would often walk up to the park and they would have
fun "playing" with the map by running their fingers across it... now, I simply run by it.
Pre-Run Ruminations: The last two training runs have been something of a struggle, but despite that, I'm beginning to feel the need to pick up my pace a little, especially with the shorter distance (six-ish miles) being planned for this morning.
My knees have begun to ache and my ankles are tender... if I were to guess, these aches and pains would seem to suggest that I have increased the number of miles I am running too quickly. But, after reviewing the hard copy of my training log, it doesn't seem to be the case. Maybe it's time to consider "ice baths" following my workouts--at least the challenging ones? Certainly, that would at the very least be more "comprehensive" than the current practice of the occasional bag of Bird's Eye frozen peas on the area of ache.
Post-Run Reflections: When I set out to leave the house, I realized that I could not locate my watch, so taking time today was achieved through the use of my cell phone; not a stop watch function but just loosely guess-timating. Not the most "official" way of doing things, but I definitely did feel as though I was picking up the pace throughout so the better minutes-per-mile time is honest if not totally accurate.
Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!
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