Pace: 8:20 min/mile
Course: 10 Mile Ultra Training Run made using USATF Map It!

Pre-Run Ruminations: After yesterday's "timed run," I felt a little dissatisfied with were that particular training plan was taking me. There was just something about running for a set time (such as 2, 3, or 4 hours) and not having at least a loose expectation of how far to run. I'm just the kind of cat who needs to "begin with e ending in mind." With this need in mind I am switching to the training I used previously which was generated using the Santa Clarita Runners Ultramarathon Training Schedule Generator.
Given that the temperature has dropped nearly 15°F since yesterday morning (and the humidity has dipped almost 20%, too!), the 10 miles suggested for today's run should be a little easier to maintain. This morning's run (the second in back-to-back weekend long runs) is intended to simulate the wear and tear which will occur naturally during the course of am ultra---in of course a smaller distance and over more time. This training run is key to preparing for the rigors of a 30+ mile run...
Post-Run Reflections: The run went very well and although the pace may have been just a little too slow, the intended effect of simulating the physical impact of a single long run over two days was intact. My cardio and breathing were excellent, and only my legs (especially after having a bowl of cereal immediately after and then quickly attempting to stand!) felt worse for the wear. I'm sure this will be short lived and that by the time I next run, on Tuesday, they (and "I") will be good to go!
Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!
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