Pace: 8:40 min/mile
Course: A point-to-point run around Rochester, N.Y.

the The Old Rifle Range Trail, with a trail head on Emprie Blvd.
Pre-Run Ruminations: A slightly different raining approach today; rather than leaving the house with a set distance in mind, I am going to attempt to target a time instead. As part of a training plan I am beginning to follow, the recommended daily workouts are not always in suggested mileage (as I am used to), but rather in suggested durations of a run , such a 2, 3 or 4(!) hours.
Post-Run Reflections: Unfortunately, I didn't make it the entire 2-3 hours, managing to put in just short of the minimum, clocking a little over 1:55. The pace I maintained was comfortable, if not a little slower than usual, but despite becoming very dehydrated in the latter stages of the run, I felt pretty good in the minutes and hour following.
I though I had brought enough liquids with me (2-8oz. flasks, each with a mixture of PowerAde and H2), as well as a Raz-flavored ClifGel for extra energy.
In retrospect, I'm not sure how I feel about the training plan I tried out today. I recognize that the key run when training for an ultra is the one that should hap[pen tomorrow; the second in back-to-back long runs. I am however not so happy with just setting out to run for a set amount of time. Perhaps I should give it a few weeks to see how it begins to fit. It does not seem like it would be too challenging to transition from time to miles if necessary.
Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!
I wish I had better access to good trails. I don't mind the road though so that is good. Good luck on the Ultra. I would love to do an Ultra some day. After doing my first marathon I know have some understanding of how hard an Ultra would be.
congrats on finsihing your first marathon and thank you for stopping by and commenting.
we here in upstate new york are very fortunate to not only have many unique trails, but also to have folks from a variety of running clubs who are willing to take those interested runners on tours of them... i also like to spend some time in the summer "scouting" trails to see how ell they fit into possible training runs...
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