Monday, May 11, 2009

The Training Week That Was...5/4-10

Happy Birthday to me! Today is both mine and my fraternal twin brother's birthdays, and as is normal, another year means another (brief) period of reflection... okay that's enough!

After failing to post a Weekly Recap for over two months now, it's time to "go back to the well" and pick up the habit again. Now that I have settled on an ultra plan that I am comfortable working within the confines of ("everything old is new again"--it's the same that I used to train for my first ultra!), it will be easier to keep myself honest by posting about what is happening on a weekly basis.

This past week turned out to be an excellent one for training, primarily because I managed to roll out of bed early in the week to get the miles in necessary during the work week. With my "extracurriculars" (kids competitions, my own coaching responsibilities) it can be challenging to find the time to put meaningful training in.

What is important, thought, is that I did manage to stick to my plan. Here is what went down:
Monday & Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: 8.1 miles
Thursday: Rest
Friday: 6.3 miles
Saturday: 13.3 miles
Sunday: 10.9 miles

TOTAL MILEAGE: R 38.6 miles (-2.3 miles from the previous week)
Weigh-In*: 192lbs. (same as the previous week) [* @ 5:00 a.m. on 5/11/09]
This coming weekend I have registered for the Medved Lilac 10k, which is important not because it is another Rochester Runner of the Year Race, but because it is the first registration I have completed for which I needed to mark my age as "40," rather than "39." Let's hope I'm getting faster better with age!

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!


Unknown said...

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Mister Scott said...

thank you for stopping by, commenting and leaving a suggestion... i'll check it out!
