Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Wolverine Wednesday Make-up Day!

Logan: "I thought you were the Moon and I was your Wolverine. Turns out you're the Trickster, and I'm just the fool who got played."
Run: 6.2 miles in :48:16 min. @ 4:30 a.m.
Weather: Partly Cloudy, 40°F, 83% Humidity, Wind: CALM; feels like 40°F.
Pace: 7:50 min/mile
Course: A brief run around the 'hood.

Only six short required today yesterday, but after a long day of school it might just as well be six-hundred I couldn't pull myself away from the XBox 360 (I'm really digging Wolverine: Uncaged rigth about now) long enough to run! So (after feeling guilty about not running while watching the season finale of The Biggest Loser), I rolled out of bed at 4:00 a.m. to begin catching up.

The weather was once again perfect, and despite some nervousness while heading down a less-than-desirable street that had no less than three police cruisers stationed at different corners, the journey went well. I continue to feel aerobically strong, but lingering knee ache is still a concern. The ache is not too much though that I can't get in an easy six, especially when the cool(-ish) weather soothes the "pain"...

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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