Monday, June 29, 2009

Training With My Son

My son, Jack, lounging at Lock 33 immediately following our run this morning.

Run: 4.4 miles in :41:06 min. @ 10:00 a.m.
Weather: Mostly Cloudy, 65°F, 93% Humidity, Wind: SW @ 7 mph; feels like 65°F.
Pace: 9:20 min/mile
Course: From the Edgewood (Lock 33) trail head to Main Street, Pittsford and back on the Erie Canal.

This fall my son is hoping to run for his high school's junior varsity cross-country team. At the pre-Summer meeting with the coaches, they gave us a training schedule of sorts, one with weekly, monthly, seasonal mileage benchmarks. After attending a few practices (and recognizing he will hopefully be unable to attend this week--that is if they continue to advance in little league playoffs) he and I decided to go for a run together today on the Erie Canal Trail.

The weather was perfect and I enjoyed being out on the trail with my son as he prepares for the Fall season and I taper toward Saturday's race.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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