Monday, July 20, 2009

Bike-a-bout: On to Summer School

Bicycle: 9.5 miles in :43:00 min @ 7:30 a.m.
Weather: Mostly Cloudy, 60°F, 90% Humidity, Wind: From SSW @ 4 mph; feels like 60°F.
Course: To Summer School 2009 from home to Gates-Chili High School.

Though my knees became progressively "achier" as the day wore on yesterday (Sunday), I attribute that more to sitting for a few hours watching my son's second baseball games twice in a three day span (with a third this evening) than to my short bicycling trip yesterday morning.

This morning's ride will be little bit of a test and will allow me to get a stronger sense of how close I am to light running again. While I am anticipating (maybe) another week without running, but who knows, I am still trying to be cautious.

The ride to Gates-Chili went fairly smoothly, the only issue being that I probably went too fast... there's something about trailing behind someone, even if you're not competing, you (or I any way) don't want to fall too far back. Coming home will likely be a more leisurely affair, so I hope to be able to take some photos for sharing...

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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