Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Fonzie, Me and Rodney Yee.... 2Gether Again!

The Fonz: [to his class] Don't you understand, your brain is clay and I gotta *squeeze* it!
[class is startled]
The Fonz: [then calmly] Let me put that another way..."
~Happy Days (1974)
Just over a week-and-a-half since finishing my most recent 50k, and about five days since an ill-timed recovery run of five miles, and my knees continue to ache. I have been using the time (sort of) wisely to preliminarily plan my lessons for the upcoming school year (which begins in September).

Since I have been "unable" to run ( a commitment to "rest" I am trying to keep for at least five more days!), I made the snap decision at 6:00 am this morning to return to a previous training strategy that has been helpful to my running in the past. I once again dug out one of my old (like, gosh, almost NINE years-old now!) yoga videotapes to work through. A number of times (it must be at least annually), I will come back to the yoga practice as a means of maintaining what (little) flexibility I have, and as a means of working while resting. Right now, the additional benefit is that doing even a fraction of a tape or two allows me to feel that my "head" is still "in the game." I reckon its a discipline thing...

This particular morning I preceded my meditation with the "Opening" series of Yoga Conditioning for Athletes with uber-yogi Rodney Yee (he of the by-now-familiar Prana Sleep mattress television ads). It felt great to be participating in some structured movement and led nicely into a fifteen minute reflective period. Now to be patient with my recovery and (more difficult for moi) maintain a level of fitness that will in the long run continued to my overall quality of exercise (and life!).

Easier "said" than "done," I know, but definitely worth the effort of s-q-e-e-e-e-zing it into my schedule and making it a part of how I start my day... chalk another one up for me, Yee and Fonzie!

Breathe in, breathe out... YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

1 comment:

Mister Scott said...

thanks for stopping by and commenting :)