Monday, July 19, 2010

The Training Week That Was... 7/12-/18

Further evidence that it is a good thing to be a hoarder--a recently rediscovered effort chart from a the February 2008 issue of Runner's World!

A very productive week, all things considered, I feel as though my training is moving in the right direction.

I am to the point now where I feel I can begin to tie some more subjective data to my running, a line of thinking which has been prompted through my continuing use of As part of each workout entry, dailymile asks the individual to assign a qualitative value to the effort exerted in the workout being logged. This is achieved by assigning a number from 1-5 on a simple scale. In an effort to be less subjective, I am going to begin using the chart above (culled from my numerous stacks of old Runner's World magazines) to be more subjective about the quality I am putting forth in each run.

Here is what went down this past week:
Monday: 7 miles in :59.52 min. @ 5:10 a.m.
Tuesday: 3 miles in :23.13 min. @ 5:40 a.m.
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 6.3 miles in :51.39 min. @ 5:15 a.m.
Friday: 4.7 miles in :38.59 min. @ 5:45 a.m.
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: 7.6 miles in 1:04.23 min. @ 5:40 a.m.

TOTAL MILEAGE: R 29.0 miles
Weigh-In*: 189 lbs. (-3 lbs! from previous week) [* @ 5:30 a.m. on 7/19/10]
My weight, or more accurately the amount of whatever it is I'm eating, has been greatly reduced over the past week, thanks in no small part to my having had three wisdom teeth extracted two weeks ago... it's difficult to overeat (let alone eat at all) when you can't open your jaw!

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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