Sunday, August 29, 2010

Run: 7.4 miles in ≈:59 min. @ 6:30 a.m.

Weather: Clear then Sunny, 58°F, 91% Humidity, Winds: From SSW @ 5 mph; feels like 58°F.
Course: A slight variation on 8 Miler found on USATF Map It!
Pace: ≈7:58 min/mile
Effort: 3 out of 5
How did I feel? Alright.
Gear: Amphipod RunLite Trail Runner

Likely the last beautiful (translation: cool) morning in upstate New York for the next few days as forecasters are calling for a return to warmer temps... which is okay with me as we are leaving upstate New York for the week starting Tuesday :)

It was a surprisingly affected run and one during which it was difficult to stay focused at times this morning, a condition I'll attribute partially to the meandering course, a "roots run" of sorts through the neighborhood I grew up in. It is an amazing thing to realize that though time (30+ years!) has passed, and store fronts have changed, that the buildings, establishments, roads, people, have changed only superficially--I half expected to run beside my ten year old self walking the half mile to bowling league with his brother and elementary school friends.

Of course, it may have just been the three pieces of pizza I ate late last night that put my head in an odd space...

Two more weeks remain until the Rochester Half-Marathon, so while I will be bringing my shoes with me on the road, mileage will not be the goal as much as getting out for a short time a few times over the next week, in addition to the hiking and walking we are likely to engage in. When I return it will be back to school (work) and quick transition into "tapering mode" until Sunday, September 12.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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