Saturday, February 19, 2011

Run: 3.4 mi. in 31:42 min. @ 7:10 a.m.

Not quite the conditions I had hoped to see for my "comeback" run.

Weather: Light Snow/Windy, 26°F, 99% Humidity, Wind: NW @ 31 mph, gusting to 40mph; feels like 9°F.
Course: Canterbury to Oxford to East to Park to Harvard and home.
Pace: 9:19 min/mile
Effort: 5 out of 5
How did I feel? Alright--anytime I can get out and finish a course is a "good" morning.
Gear: Amphipod Xinglet Reflective Belt.

After putting it off for four months, I finally said to myself that "today is the day I get my s*** together and go out for a run." Now, waking up at 6 a.m. on the first day of a week long vacation from school, the weather outside is suddenly windy, cold, and snowy (again!), where yesterday it was warm(ish) and clear.

Approximately a half-mile into my "run" I slipped and tweaked my ankle. After hobbling forward about ten yards, I thought I might need to head home, but instead carried on. The entire run was a labor, as I felt every ounce of the twenty pounds I'd put on since I halted my training after last September's half-marathon.

The first time in five months felt like the first time in five months... but on the sunnier side there is plenty of room for improvement! As challenging as it may ahve been (and it was!) to drag my butt out of the house today, after this morning's effort, the second time attempt at doing the same will be even more challenging.

Be here now!

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