Monday, April 18, 2011

The (Abbreviated) Training Week That Was...

With Spring Break here, I finally returned to a training regiment (of sorts) and while a completely realize that two consecutive days of running a short loop n a neighborhood does not technically count as a routine, it is a start and I'm taking the small victories where I can.

This is what went down this past week:
Monday thru Friday: Resting on Laurels
Saturday: 3.2 miles
Sunday: 3 miles

TOTAL MILEAGE: R 6.2 miles
Weigh-In*: 198.5 lbs. [* @ 6:30 a.m. on 4/18/11]
Running this past weekend only served to reinforce an understanding that I have long held... the ability to be in the moment of a run is seriously complicated by my lack of discipline in matters culinary. I have been eating like a horse in recent weeks months(?) and as a result I am carrying about 20 lbs. more than I was last September (my weight this morning is the heaviest its been in almost a year!). While some of this can possibly be forgiven as the Winter bump, I am consciously aware of moments when I have been in the "gullet zone"...

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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