Main Street, Rochester at 9 a.m. Thursday morning... eerie. (3/19/20) |
Weather: Cloudy, 43°F (feels like 39°F), 85% Humidity, Winds ESE @ 12 mph.
Route: 8 miles; West on Monroe Ave into Rochester thru Corn Hill, along Heritage Trail, by Frontier Field over Sister Cities Bridge and east on Main Street.
Time (Pace): Approx. 1:09.55 (8:48 min/mile)
Today's route round the ROC. |
Picked up a couple more Frederick Douglass statues, while missing another one despite two trips around location noted on "No Soil Better" map), and saw numerous other sights of historical interest along the Heritage Trail. While I have noticed an uptick in the number of people out walking and running in my neighborhood the past few days, the visual of a nearly empty Main Street at 9 in the morning is startling. On weekends it is not surprising, but during during the work week? Unsettling.
Found myself on the
City of Rochester Heritage Trail this morning. I have run these streets previously as part of Fleet Feet Rochester/YellowJacket Racing's spring half-marathon, an event that has been postponed until autumn this year. Overcast weather conditions does not diminish the beauty of the murals, sculptures and architecture on display throughout the city. These realities shine though even my poor cellphone photography ...
Beautiful mural on building at corner of Troup and Clarissa Streets. (3/19/20) |
Murals on West Main Street underpass along Heritage Trail; note blue line in
lower left hand corner. (3/19/20) |
Close-up of Susan B. Anthony mural. (3/19/20) |
Tremendous mural on West Main Street.(3/19/20) |
Heritage Trail becomes a stone line when it moves into updated
commercial area along Heritage Trail. (3/19/20) |
Susan B. Anthony House Museum at 17 Madison Street. (3/19/20) |
"Lets Have Tea" sculpture depicting Anthony and Douglass in Susan B. Anthony
Square just down road on Madison St. (3/19/20) |
Frontier Field where minor league baseball is currently on hold. (3/19/20) |
"50 Plymouth Ave North – Formerly the Central Presbyterian Church, currently
the site of the Hochstein School of Music and Dance." (Text from No Soil Better,
picture by me 3/19/20) |
"Corinthian Street (formerly Exchange Place), just east of State Street,
adjacent to the hotel parking lot; site of Douglass’ renowned Fourth of July
speech (Text from No Soil Better, picture by me 3/19/20) |
Sister Cities pedestrian walkway, part the the Genesee River Trail. (3/19/20) |
Strange days indeed. As I sit here typing and listening to my school district's status updates via Google Classroom, signs of a new normal are all around us. Happy to get out on the streets (which fortunately does NOT violate quarantine rules) and continue to connect to my community.
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