Weather: Mostly Sunny, 66°F (Real Feel 65°F), Wind SW @ 5 mph, Dew Point 62°F, 87% Humidity at 6:00 a.m.
Distance/Time/Pace: 12.3 miles, 1:58.03, 9:37 min/mile
Route: Triangular loop comprised primarily of South Clinton Ave., Elmwood Ave., South Ave.
This morning's weather conditions were very comfortable and, for about 9 miles, so was my run. As part of my ongoing effort to gain a greater level of comfort in daylight (and heat) after 20 years of very early morning/late night training, I once again set out at 6 a.m., a time which suggests that, while the dew point is pleasant, the level of sun will increase as the run progresses. In the increasingly direct sunlight, after about 4 miles, I could feel myself warming, and, ultimately, it was something of a humbling run as I wilted at the end. Fortunately, there is quite a bit of street art to be seen during the planned loops through the South Wedge neighborhood, and I was able to put in the majority of the intended mileage, eventually adjusting my route by cutting the total distance 4 miles short by taking an alternate direction home.
There were some positives to take away from the morning. Though the distance was slightly shorter than planned, I followed through on the run rather than stopping and walking the balance home. I continue to be reminded of the significance of listening to one's body when struggling, and acknowledging that sometimes it is just not your day. With today's 12.3, my total mileage for the One NY 500k Challenge reaches just over the halfway point with an updated total of 260 kilometres, or 160.3 miles since I began just over a month ago on May 16. Registering for this COVID virtual run, and logging the miles online, has proven valuable in maintaining motivation (which was the intended effect).
The beauty of running as an exercise is that there is always another run. Difficult to be too discouraged by today's effort, so I am looking forward to Sunday's shorter/easier run as I way of self-correcting. As of 5:44 p.m. this afternoon, Summer will be officially here in more than one way, and it is good practice to shake off today's activity in favor of tomorrow's attempt at better.
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