Friday, August 29, 2008

Coming into Better Focus

Run: 4.9 miles in :35:59 min. @ 11:30 a.m.
Weather: Cloudy, 69°F, 78% Humidity, Wind: From SSW @ 10 mph; feels like 69°F.
Average Mile Page: 7:25 min./mi.
Course: The eponymously named route, Scott, made using USATF Map It!

Running today means that I will be running (if all goes as planned and I make it to the two runs I registered for this weekend) on four consecutive days fr the first time in quite a while. The mileage will be fairly short ranging from 3.1 miles (5k) to 7+ miles (12k). I decided to go for a short, slow "jog" due to fears about how my legs (and feet) have been feeling over the past few days, so I want to get some mileage in using an older pair of reliable training shoes as opposed to my recently purchased ones. It is not necessarily that I have lost "faith" in my news shoes, just that I want to be sure that if something is not right, it is due to the shoes and not some other injury.

Upon returning from the run (I wore my current, well-worn trail runners pictured to the right), I felt pretty good, the only concern being some knee and hip pain which diminished as the run progressed. By focusing on my form and breathing I was able to maintain a fair pace and enjoy the opportunity to run during the mid-day (school begin for me on Tuesday) for what will likely be the last time in a while.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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