Monday, November 03, 2008

Election Eve Voting Running Fun!

Run: 6.3 miles in :47:22 min. @ 6:10 p.m.
Weather: Mostly Cloudy, 64°F, 56% Humidity, Wind: From SE at 8 mph; feels like 64°F.
Pace: 7:28 min/mi
Course:Around my neighborhood.

After a quick snack following my second consecutive pre-season Track and Field planning session with my fellow assistant coach, I picked up both my wife and son and set off for our polling place to vote.

It has been a long standing tradition that I take my son with me to vote. He enjoys pulling the levers and turning the "crank" to open and close the blind... and act he has only very recently been large enough (or strong enough) to do unassisted. I felt odd old when he reminded me that this presidential and the next in four years would be the last two he would be unable to vote in himself and that he looked forward to it.

"This year," he said as we pulled into the old school building we vote at," I think I'm looking more forward to the election than the Super Bowl."

Strong praise, indeed--now, let's hope the "team" we're pulling for pulls out the victory!

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