me thinks it may be time to update my catalog of "stock" dog pix!

Weather: Partly Cloudy, 73°F, 51% Humidity, Wind: From NNE @ 5 mph; feels like 73°F.
Course: The Park Avenue neighborhood of Rochester, NY.

I am sorry to confess that I don't take her walking as much as a better owner would, but when I do she greatly enjoys being out among the other dogs and people in our high-pedestrian-traffic neighborhood. She behaved wonderfully (natch!) and was equally thankful for the heaping bowl of ice water and big cookie upon our return home.
I also stopped by one of our local running stores and signed up for a 5k this coming Sunday. Though I had already signed up for the September 12 Rochester half-Marathon, I thought it might be prudent to get out and at least reacquaint myself with road racing, albeit at a much shorter distance. My sense is that the Peter Cannon Memorial 5k will be a smaller event (< 250 registrants?--there are quite a few of 5ks being run this weekend!) though I hope they generate a lot of money as it is to honor the memory of a recently deceased local high school athlete.
My personal goal for this 5k is, as always (though very different from more competitive years past), to simply finish feeling well and with a smile on my face...
Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!
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