Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Run: 8.1 miles in ≈66 min. @ 5:35 a.m.

Weather: Foggy, 70°F, 100% Humidity, Wind: From SW @ 4 mph; feels like 70°F.
Course: 8 Mile Loop found on USATF Map It!
Pace: ≈8:08 min/mile
Effort: 4 out of 5
How did I feel? Good (again)!
Gear: Amphipod RunLite Trail Runner

I have been using The Weather Channel's website to log the conditions during each run, walk or bicycling ride for 2+ years, and it was only this morning that I noticed realized that there is a "Fitness Weather" app which offers suggestions regarding appropriate attire for those (like moi) engaging in fitness activities (like running... duh!).

Another second consecutive soupy, foggy morning run, this time into the east side of the city touching on the suburbs of Penfield and Brighton--Nearly every time I run this area, regardless of how many reflective items I wear, or how closely I hug the gutter, I nearly get side swiped and thrown the one-fingered salute (not a thumbs-up!) or two. In an effort to practice what I study, to "see those who are ill-mannered as teachers," I continue to be thankful to be "learning" quite a bit I had not expected to! :)

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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