Sunday, September 12, 2010

MVP Healthcare Rochester Half-Marathon

Run: 13.1 miles in 1:39.30-ish @ 7:45 a.m.
Weather: Cloudy, 59°F, 88% Humidity, Wind: From SSE @ 10 mph; feels like 59°F.
Course: MVP Healthcare Rochester Half-Marathon course in Downtown Roc City.
Pace: ≈7:36 min/mile
Effort: 5 out of 5
How did I feel? Good!

Re-Run Ruminations: Nearly two hours prior to the race goes off and I've been awake for an hour already eating oatmeal, drinking joe and listening to the rain pelt the hood of my car in the driveway. As is often the case, doubt and phantom knee pain creeps in, but I know what it is and pay it no mind. My biggest concern now is being sure that I leave home early enough to make the ten minute drive to the start location to 1) find an adequate paring spot, 2) pick up my chip and 3) maybe have the opportunity to wish my son "good luck" before he heads out to the leg 3 marathon relay transition point via yellow bus.

I am looking forward to finishing with a smile this morning! :)

Post-Race Reflections: The first 7 miles went more smoothly than the latter 5, during which time I struggle a little with focus, but in the end wrestled the doubt demon to the mat and finished with a smile and a (rather weak) "kick." The real question on my table now is, after targeting this race all summer and having finished it with a (relative) degree of success, what is next?

On the very bright side, my son and his co-ed high school relay win their event--great job kids! :)

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!


Jen said...

I found your blog while looking up the Rochester Half Marthon. Congratulations on a great race! I was not as fast as you (I finished in 1 hour 43 minutes) but thought it was a nice race and perfect for a first timer like me. I too find myself thinking what's next? Maybe I will try training for the full next year, but I don't know. Anyway, I wish you many more great runs in the future :)

Mister Scott said...

Congratulations on your finish and thank you for stopping by and commenting! I am finding that I need to come up with a race soon or my committment (and fitness) will soon begin to wain! :)