Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Spring Break: Roaming Washington, D.C.

Four days before the White House Easter Egg Roll.
While roaming Washington DC last weekend, I was a little negligent in snapping too many (quality) pictures--I was too busy just taking things in. A number of interesting items and attraction that we had the chance to view (Smithsonian National Museum of American History and the National Archives building to name two) did not allow flash photography. On the mall I did snap a few shots, but was much to engaged in both people (and monument) watching to take pics... maybe next time! With so much history to see (almost 100 Things according to one tourist website) for little or no cost, I can envision my family taking another trip down in the future.

Playing America's #6 sport, soccer, in the shadow of the Washington Monument.
An interactive moment at the Star Spangled Banner display (Smithsonian National Museum of History).
The Treasury Department.
The "back-end" of the White House (through iron fencing).

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