Saturday, June 15, 2019

Roadie: Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge

Juvenile bald eagle. (5/11/2019)
Better late than never; on May 11 my wife took me on a short birthday roadie to Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge. Located between Rochester and Syracuse, while we have driven past it numerous times, this was our first opportunity to actually hop off the thruway and visit. In addition to providing a great place for us to visit with our dog Bertie, as advertised the Montezuma National Wildlife Refuge also gave us plenty of subjects to capture on our camera. Like most weekend photogs, from the 150+ pictures taken, maybe 40 or so are of quality. Of those, I am sharing a few here. Though many of the birds we saw are fairly ubiquitous (Red-winged blackbird, for example). We are very fortunate here in Western New York that even the majestic heron is fairly common (I even saw one driving to work on the expressway in Rochester just last week).

Avian high-rise. (5/11/2019)
Maternal Canadian goose, (5/11/2019)
Red-winged blackbird. (5/11/2019)
Scenic sky. (5/11/2019)
Great Blue Heron. (5/11/2019)
Gratuitous Bertie picture. (5/11/2019)

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