Monday, June 30, 2008

The Training Week That Was... 6/23-29

"The yoga mat is a good place to turn when talk therapy and antidepressants aren't enough."~Amy Weintraub

After receiving a comment from Cyberpenguin this week about her very own yoga pet, and because I have begun (again) an attempt at regular practice, I thought I'd post another picture of my yoga mutt, Gracie. (As you can see she is perfecting the ancient "lay-all-over-the-mat-and-move-from-side-to-side" pose!)

Though it was an oddball week of training, I did manage to fulfill the prescribed mileage entailed in my most recent training plan:
Legend: R = Running, ri = recovery interval, ez = easy, mt = mid-tempo, wu = warm-up, cd = cool down, ez = easy, B = Bicycling

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: R 2.3 miles, B 10 miles
Wednesday: R 3.2 miles
Thursday: R 2.7 miles
Friday: Rest
Saturday: R 7 miles
Sunday: R 10 miles, B 2 miles

TOTAL (Run)--25.2 miles (-1.3 miles from the previous week)
TOTAL (Bicycle)--12 miles (-32 miles(!) from the previous week)
The huge reduction in bicycling mileage was expected, due to my "nerve problems." I've purchased a new pair of bicycling shorts (fear not, I'll be wearing a standard baggy-style pair of shorts over them!) in hopes of resuming my practice of bicycling about town... I'm just waiting for feeling to return through my body. It has been a week of physical ups-and-downs for yours truly, one that fortunately ended on a high as I ran ten miles, all along handling my discomfort and numbness. By Sunday, I had found my way back onto the bicycle, this time equipped with those special padded shorts, with hopes of enabling myself to continue bicycling without injuring myself further.

Breathe in, breathe out... YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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