Monday, June 16, 2008

The Training Week That Was... 6/9-15

Looking forward, I continue to waffle between running the Rochester Marathon on Sunday, September 14, and a trail ultra sometime in the Fall, as my "tent pole" race for later this year. There are factors to both options and I have yet to decide on one, though I am "sort of" following a marathon plan right now.

In the meantime, I signed up for my third go round with the Utica Boilermaker on July 13. My wife was recently talking to my father-in-law who had inquired as to whether or not I was going to run it again this year (I had last year and two years prior to that). My wife quoted my as having said last year that "I will never run that again!" which she correctly translated and shared with her father adding "which means that he probably will."

Right, again!

Here's what happened with my training this week:
Legend: R = Running, ri = recovery interval, ez = easy, mt = mid-tempo, wu = warm-up, cd = cool down, ez = easy, B = Bicycling

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: R 4 miles
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: R 6.2 miles
Friday: B 22 miles
Saturday: Rest
Sunday: R 15.5 miles

TOTAL (Run)--25.7 miles (+8.4 miles from the previous week)
TOTAL (Bicycle)--22 miles (-22 miles from the previous week)
Weigh-In*: 184.0 lbs. (-1 lb. from the previous week) [* @ 5:30 a.m. on 6/16]
A second straight week of increasing my running mileage by 8.4 miles, though (at least on "paper") at the expense of a sharp decrease in bicycle miles of 22 miles. In truth, this decrease equates to my not having taken my bicycle to work on a one less day than the week previous... I'm hoping for more bicycling this week, though the forecast for rain during the early portion of the week seems likely to assure that I will once again begin the week behind the steering wheel.

Breathe in, breathe out... YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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