Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Me & Dr. T versus The Ganglia!

Run: 4.5 miles in :32:58 min. @ 3:30 p.m.
Weather: Cloudy, 73°F, 76% Humidity, Wind: From N @ 5 mph; feels like 73°F.
Training Plan Suggested Mileage: 4 miles
Average Mile Page: 7:17 min./mi.
Course: Oh, the places I have gone...!

Before work this morning I went to visit Dr. T (the podiatrist, not the guy with the 5,000 fingers), to follow-up on the recently re-inflated ganglia on top of my left foot. Once again he "sucked" all of the jelly out, all the while checking it's viscosity--apparently the stuff in my foot was clear-ish and therefore benign in nature. This time, rather than simply putting pressure and bandaging it, Dr. T injected some low-powered steroids into the bulge.

Hopefully, this will breakdown, or dissolve, the ganglia. If not, the next step would be having it surgically removed, which would only require my taking it easy for seven to ten days... if they can wait until after November, sign me up!

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!


Strong Moderate said...

Dr. T.. with 5,000 fingers! That was one of the most horrifying films I ever watched as a youngster and cringed when I saw that photo of the kid with that creepy hat. At the same time it reminded me of my younger days.. thanks for that. :) Nothing to uplift the spirit like a childhood memory!

Matthew S. Urdan said...

Scott, I really love the way you've customized this blogger template. We have a lot in common and I love the theme of your blog. I'm going to link you to my blog: Meltwater. Torrents. Meanderings. Delta.

I coached high school debate for 15 years, thought I was going into teaching. Things change. Now I'm a river rat. Who'd of thunk.

Since youre playing on Batttle of the Blogs, I'd encourage you to join EntreCard. Membership is free, and it's all about providing resources for bloggers and generating traffic for your site.

There are some really cool people and blogs on EntreCard and it's growing fast. I'd encourage you to meet Mrs. Mecomber--a homeschooler who runs like 4 blogs in New York, including New York Traveler.net. She recently did a piece on the history of Erie Canal, and there's a lot of great stuff she does that you can you se in your classroom, if you teach the arts, history, or English.
