Saturday, July 12, 2008

Run: 9.7 miles in 1:16:00 min. @ 6:38 a.m.

Weather: Fair, 63°F, 94% Humidity, Wind: From SSE @ 3 mph; feels like 63°F.
Training Plan Suggested Mileage: 16 miles
Average Mile Page: 7:53 min./mi.
Course: An abbreviated Thirteen Miles course from USATF Map It!.

Registered for the Boilermaker tomorrow morning, for which I'll need to be at the bus pick up at 4:30 a.m., run the race, hang out for a few hours before busing back by 3:00-ish p.m., so what should I do the day before to prepare?


Take a day off? Nope.

Run? Yes! Though granted the distance I travelled was much (about 6 miles) shorted than I had been scheduled to run, I did get out and about. Roughly halfway through the run, I completely lost focus and drive due, in part, to the distracting raw spot on my inner left thigh which had developed during the run. (I had feared this would happen with these particular shorts.)

Feeling slightly dejected by the run I almost stopped and walked home, but rather than dealing with the inner disappointment of having to walk home at all, I opted to cut short what had been intended as at least a thirteen miler. In the long run, I did make it home at a steady pace, and feel prepared to at least finish tomorrow's race running...

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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