Sunday, July 13, 2008

Utica Boilermaker 15k

Weather: Cloudy with Scattered Thunderstorms, 75°F, 80% Humidity, Wind: WSW @ 6 mph; feels like 79°F.
Run: 9.3 miles in 1:07:27 min. @ 8:00 a.m.
Pace: 7:15 min/mi.
Course: Boilermaker 15k--this is a very challenging course, especially note the dramatic changes in elevation; the first half of the race is primarily uphill, while the remaining half is downhill!

Pre-Run Ruminations: Since the GRTC bus leaves at 4:30 a.m. tomorrow morning, I thought I'd share some pre-race thoughts the nigth prior... I'm remain apprehensive about how things may go tomorrow, especially with the ganglia on the top of my left foot literally resurfacing with a vengeance, making it impossible to lace my running shoe up completely.

Additionally, it has become clear that it may well be time for some new training shoes. But, whining aside, I'm hoping for a better finishing time from last year (1:08:29), or at the very least to feel better afterwards.

Post-Race Reflections: What appeared at first to be very favorable weather conditions (cloudy, a little wet) turned into a very humid and warm morning run, despite the continued (fortunate) lack of sun. Though my finishing time was not much stronger than last year's, I definitely felt better about the race I ran and the effort I put forth. I was spent by the time I came through the chute, but quickly regrouped and did not utter those words I have said after my previous two Boilermakers... "I'll never do this again!"

UPDATED--Official(-ish) results were posted and I actually did better my time from last year by almost a minute! Here are the down-and-dirty details... my time was 1:07:27,(7:15 mi/min), I placed 814th of 9770 finishers overall, and 64th out of 637 in my age group (M35-39). There was, however, some sort of snafu with the timing chip so this is "gun" rather than "chip" time... I would guess that the difference would be between 20-40 seconds, but I think the recorded time is "official" enough for em. ;)

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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