Saturday, August 30, 2008

Greece PAL 5k

Weather: Partly Cloudy, 72°F, 89% Humidity, Wind: SW @ 5 mph; feels like 72°F.
Run: 3.1 mi. in :19:44 min. @ 9:00 a.m.+ 2 miles to the start
Course: 5k course certified by USATF/RRTC, 5K-NY #05114KL.
Updated: Official results

Pre-Run Ruminations: As I've mentioned before, the school in which I teach is in the town of Greece, so I usually try to run in whatever road races are organized in the general vicinity. The Greece Police Athletic League 5k is one such race that is even more inviting as many of the sports teams on which my students play also participate in the vent , too.

This is my third (wow, time flies!) time around on this particular course, and last year I did fairly well, posting a time of :20:02. Though I have been experiencing some discomfort in my hip and knee of late, I am looking forward to improving on that time today and would like to run at least a :19:30, which would still be about 20 seconds off my PR for the distance.

Post-Race Reflections: Though the number of registrants seemed much lower than last year, it turned out to be a beautiful day for a run. I spent quite a bit of time prior to the race "warming up," in an effort to stretch the aches out of my leg. This seemed to pay dividends as I (despite missing my goal finish by 14 second) ran and felt great, finishing first in my age group.

Following the run, some of the other lads were discussing the plans for what race (half, full, relay) for the upcoming Rochester Marathon and I realized I have yet to commit to anything. As much as I would like to run the full, I'm not sure I could better my PR at the distance and don't want to have a psychological set back... I reckon I do need to "s*** or get off the pot" though, at eats before the registration fees go up again in a few days!

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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