Saturday, August 30, 2008

Summer Reading Recap!

As I embark on our final weekend of Summer, and both Labor Day on Monday and a return to work (school) on Tuesday stand ready to meet us on the other side of Monday, it seems like a great time to begin recapping what I had hoped would be a season during which I would become "better read." Though I am unsure how much smarter I will "sound" when discussing any if these titles (the true indication of how well read one appears to be, right?) in small talk, I do know that it has been wonderfully satisfying to realize that I have at the very least divided my time more wisely--less X-Box 360 and more pages turned.

As I posted in June, most of these books were read for the purposes of being taught during this coming school year. Given that I will be jumping "up" three grade levels, from 7-8 (middle school) to 10-11 (high school), I felt inspired to move through as many of the approved novels to get a better sense of what he possibilities are.

Of all the titles I have read, and for the greater part enjoyed--and the entire list is listed in the lower left column--the books which fit into the tenth grade theme of "Utopia/Dystopia" especially excite me:
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
Anthem by Ayn Rand
Animal Farm by George Orwell
Lord of the Flies by William Golding
It's a little embarrassing to admit, as both an English teacher, student and sci-fi fan (with Dune being one of my all time favorites), that I had never previously read any of these four titles--a gap in my own learning I am glad to have filled this summer. I have touched on the works of all these authors before--The Fountainhead, anyone?--these seminal works were missing from my literary resume, but no longer!

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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