Thursday, August 21, 2008

Innovative Edge Summer 5K Cross Country Series, Race #4

The water bureau building at the top of Cobbs Hill;
and the default "target" one has while running up the large
incline during a x-c race there. Though the course runs to
the right of the building, it's hard not to take note of the architecture.

Weather: Fair, 79°F, 46% Humidity, Wind: NNE @ 5 mph; feels like 80°F.
Run: 3.1 mi. @ 6:30 p.m. + 1 mile to the start
Course: All three races take place in Cobbs Hill Park in the southern part of Rochester, in between Culver Road, Monroe Avenue, and Highland Avenue.

Pre-Run Ruminations: For the past two days I have felt somewhat "off-the-grid," like I just want to be isolated and that I am alone... it's easy to get complacent and feel sorry for oneself, I suppose, but how can this feeling last when the sun is shining, the birds are singing and there is a cross-country 5k 6to be run? Uh-huh, I know what you mean...

Billed as "The Summer's Ultimate test of strength, speed and stamina," more than just a single "race," this evening's activity is a series of three different running events, the first of which is actually the fourth race in the Innovative Edge Summer 5K Cross Country Series, Sponsored by the Genesee Valley Harriers. (Whew--that's a mouthful!) Roughly an hour after the start of the 5k, there will be a one mile road race around the Cobbs Hill reservoir, and then a half-an-hour later a 400 meter sprint UP Cobbs Hill... sounds like fun, no?

I have no real goals, per se, for this evening other then top go and complete the three sections. Hopefully, this will re-energize me for my final week of Summer Break and the two races I am planning on attending next weekend.

Post-Race Reflections: You know what they say about "the best layed plans?" Well, this evening in true "Scotty" tradition, after running a wonderful 5k, I was distracted talking my beautiful wife and missed the start for the second "race," the one mile run. So, I sabotaged myself, but all was not lost, I spent the time walking home with my wife that I might otherwise have spent running... and that's a pretty good trade-off in the end.

In conclusion... felt great running a good trail 5k.... but failed to complete the rest: c'est la vie!

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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