Thursday, August 14, 2008

Into Thick Air

Week 5 Key Run 2.5-ish

Planned Workout: 10 miles @ MP
Actual Run: 10.2 miles in 1:15:55 min. @ 7:00 a.m.
Weather: Cloudy w/Fog, 56°F, 94% Humidity, Wind: From SW @ 3 mph; feels like 56°F.
Average Mile Page: 7:26 min./mi.
Course: Hangover 10a.

Welcome back, high humidity! After five days in the dry air of Wyoming it took less than twelve hours to feel as if I was "back in the water." Though sweating for what felt like the first time in a week, I ran very well, due in no small part, I would guess, to the high altitudes I had been running in over the weekend. My lungs and legs felt stronger (and lighter), now I only wish this sense of weightlessness could continue for longer...

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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