Monday, August 18, 2008

My Green Toe: Agriculutral Architecture

"Architecture begins where engineering ends."~Walter Gropius

It has been quite a while since my last post about our garden; nearly six weeks(!) to be exact. While we have been benefiting from a significant haul from our yellow squash and Spineless Beauty Zucchini, Anne and I are still eagerly awaiting our first pickable crop of tomatoes, any tomatoes. Of the three varieties we planted early this summer, all have fruit and many vines, but none are as yet ready to be harvested.

As you can plainly see from the pick above, they are growing like crazy! So much so, in fact, that we needed to head out to the local gardening store this past weekend and purchase some stakes to get the vines and plants up off the ground, to which they were attempting to root! As Anne and I carefully tethered the plants to either the metal cages in which they have been growing, or to the wooden stakes we added (or in most cases, we tied different parts of each plant to both!), Anne remarked, correctly I think, that the whole activity was "like an engineering project."

Upon reviewing the picture below of what our garden looked like following our delicate agricultural engineering, I would say architecture would be a related field of study, too:

Now all of our vegetables, both those that have been producing like squash, zucchini and peppers, as well as those we are anxiously awaiting have more room to breathe and grow...

Breathe in, breathe out... YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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