Monday, August 18, 2008

The Training Week That Was... 8/11-17

With only two weeks of Summer Break remaining, I once again (like most teachers and their students) find myself wondering where the time has gone. I am very happy with my level of productivity these past ten or so weeks, having done quite a bit of running and bicycling, worked four weeks teaching eighth grade summer school and reading many more novels than I had expected to.

My training had gone fairly well, with only a few hiccups due to minor injuries, while I have avoided over training and stayed disciplined in adhering to my training plan. With only a few weeks remaining, there is a tendency to feel that one must jam in as many runs or workouts as possible before returning to the daily, 8+ hour work day, but I am glad to report that has not been the case for yours truly... at least yet!

Here's what took place:
Legend: R = Running, ri = recovery interval, ez = easy, mt = mid-tempo, t = tempo, wu = warm-up, cd = cool down, ez = easy, B = Bicycling
Monday: R 9 miles in Cheyenne, WY
Tuesday: Rest
Wednesday: R 4.8 miles (mt) in Cheyenne, WY
Thursday: R 10.2 miles (t)
Friday: Rest, B 2.8 miles
Saturday: R 15.1 miles (LSD)
Sunday: Rest, B 13 miles

TOTAL (Run)--39.1 miles
TOTAL (Bicycle)--15.8 miles
Coming up in the next few weeks will be a number of 5and 10k races for which I have registered, as well as, the beginning of cross-country practice for all three of my kids. The fall is among my favorite seasons for both observing nature and my children compete and I am being careful to both look forward to it, as well as, not looking past the opportunities and moments which might present themselves in the interim.

Breathe in, breathe out... YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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