Sunday, August 24, 2008

Snap, Crackle and Pop?!*

The pic above has little to do with today's run discussed in
the post below, except that it features three things that are very important to me:
my stepson, dog and my son. It was taken by my wife during Summer 2007 while
we were all at a unique race to benefit the local animal shelter and included
a one-mile dog walk.

Week 4 Key Run 4
Planned Workout: 8 miles @ easy pace
Actual Run: 8.4 miles in 1:04:03 min. @ 7:45 a.m.
Weather: Mostly Cloudy, 69°F, 65% Humidity, Wind: SSW @ 9 mph; feels like 69°F.
Average Mile Page: 7:38 min./mi.
Course: Crazee Eight from USATF Map It!.

Following yesterday morning's eighteen mile run, my legs feel pretty 'beat up," not the best adjective, but the only phrase that succinctly describes the ache. Waking up today, the sensation had not subsided, though I feel the "recovery" time is adequate and the return to normalcy close enough that I should suck it up and run. With a number a races in the weeks ahead, as well as, my return to work n only one week, I need to take advantage of the opportunity to test my limits... of course if something in my muscles feel like it is going to "snap, crackle or pop," I will not hesitate to take "my act" to the side of the road and call home for a ride.

Heck, if those Olympians could run so well in yesterday evening's (our time) marathon, despite very challenging weather conditions, it would be weak of me not to give it it try under much more favorable ones... well, that might just be a little hyperbole on my part, but I'm doing what I can to motivate myself out the door!

One element of this morning's run that did cr4eate a challenge was the fact that I was wearing a new pair of running shoes for the first time, and as a result, the insert in the right shoe (to account for my Morton's Toe) was not worn in yet and caused my foot to ache. After yesterday's run, I decided it was time to retire the NIKE Air Pegasus shoes (a "make and model" I greatly enjoy wearing) for the Saucony Pro Grid shoes I'd purchased at Sierra Trading Post while in Cheyenne.

After a few more training miles, any stiffness and discomfort should make way for a smooth ride...

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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