Saturday, August 16, 2008

Wyoming Recollection 3: Run

Though at first I felt a little selfish in doing so, while in Wyoming, I managed to run in the mornings before the rest of the house woke up. As Anne and I were still accustomed to Eastern Daylight Savings time, this made our biological clocks continue to remain two hours behind everyone in Cheyenne (who were "on" Mountain time).

One way I would use these two hours, in addition to reading, was walk the 400 meters out to the unpaved roads within my brother-in-laws "community" to begin my runs. I could get in a good 4-5 miles alone just staying on the tchk-tchk-tchk rhythm of the gravel between each foot strike. Hungry for more distance I would also occasionally travel out to the paved, two-lane roadways to run side-by-side with the eighteen-wheelers and recreational cyclists who made up the majority of the traffic.

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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