Sunday, September 14, 2008

2008 Rochester Marathon... Debacle?!

Weather: Hazy and Humid, 72°F, 87% Humidity, Wind: From SSW @ 14 mph; feels like 72°F.
Run: 26.2 miles (Full Marathon)) in 0:00:00 min. @ 7:30 a.m.
Course: A 26.2 mile course; described as "hilly and a great tune up for a full marathon or 1/2 marathon."
Official results: TBA

"You take the good, you take the bad,
you take them both and there you have
The Facts of Life, the Facts of Life."~Ye Old TV Theme
Pre-Run Ruminations: Having spent the last two days "carbo loading" with bagel sandwiches (with hummus and cucumber), oatmeal, whole wheat past and Thai noodles, I feel a little heavy but "powerful" as I pulled myself from bed this morning. A condition I attribute to me head, rather than my legs, has both of my ankle and knees aching... of course it could also be the weather.

A surprisingly dense (for this time of year) humidity settled into the air late Friday and, despite frequent precipiation, has yet to subside. The weather will unlikely "break" before the race is complete this morning, so there is not much else to do than to buck up and go for it.

Post-Race Reflections: Though the day started out well with almost 2,000 runners having come out to run either the full or half marathons, or maybe to complete on of the legs of the relay, it was not meant to be my day. unfortunately, the heat and some aches and pains got the best of me and I could not (and did not)give my best to the race, eventually having to drop out at mile 17.

I must confess to being a little embarrassed and discouraged, but these things happen to even the best athletes and one way or another I won't allow it to get me down. Mostly, though, I feel like I let down the many folks who were cheering for me (by name) along the route... had it been only up to their positive energy I probably would have won... but in the end I quit, which is something I'll get past eventually.

This, amigos, is what "living and learning" is all about...

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

1 comment:

RoxiticusDH said...

Don't be embarrassed and least you got out there! I ran (if you count a six hour finish as running) in the 1996 and 1997 NYC marathons with my husband. He finished both in 4 and change, while I stumbled to the finish line after 6 hours in 1996 and gave up after 18 miles in 1997 when the rain just wore me down. Squish, squish, squish in my socks and shoes made me give up with "only" 8 miles to go. Since then, my bad knees have caused me to give up running entirely, in favor of the elliptical trainer. I am in awe of you for getting out there day after day to train, and I also respect your decision to know when to call it a day and wait for the next one.
