Monday, September 01, 2008

The Training Week That Was... 8/25-31

I finally registered for the Rochester Marathon which will be coming up in two weeks. This will be my first attempt a marathon since May's Buffalo Marathon, during which I established a new PR (personal record). Though I have vacillated between training for this run of 26.2 miles and/or an ultra of 32 miles, I have decied that this is this is where my Fall begins.

Depending on how I'm feeling (I will be tapering from today until the race in fourteen days) I will further make the choice to either run this particular marathon with the intent of matching my previous "best" of approximately 3:27 or use it as a tempo training run with my eye on the ultra in late November. Truth is, I try to lower my expectation because I do not want to fail, but am physically (other than recent shoe troubles) feeling pretty strong and prepared to do well. I will have my head in the right pace by September 14.

Here's what went down this past week:
Legend: R = Running, ri = recovery interval, ez = easy, mt = mid-tempo, t = tempo, wu = warm-up, cd = cool down, ez = easy, B = Bicycling
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: R 5.2 miles (t)
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: R 8 miles (t)
Friday: R 4.9 miles (t)
Saturday: R 5.1 miles (including race)
Sunday: R 9.5 miles (including race)

TOTAL (Run)--32.7 miles (-7.1 miles from previous week)
This past week was a wonderful won for racing as I placed well in my age/gender group and had the chance to touch base with many folks from the local running community... with a return to work around the bend, the Fall running season gives me much to look forward to.

FYI... My total mileage for the month of August was 160.5 miles, the second consecutive month during which I exceeded one-hundred-and-sixty miles!

Breathe in, breathe out... YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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