Sunday, August 31, 2008

Fleet Feet Sports Summerfest 12k

Weather: Fair, 64°F, 72% Humidity, Wind: From W @ 5 mph; feels like 64°F.
Run: 7.5-ish miles (12k) in :54:00(?) min. @ 9:00 a.m.+ 2 miles
Course: A 12k course certified by USATF; described as "hilly and a great tune up for a full marathon or 1/2 marathon."
Updated: Official results

Pre-Run Ruminations: The whole "best laid plans" angle was not working for me this morning, beginning with the fact that last night (this morning?) Anne and I where at the hospital until until 2:15 a.m. with her mother who had been experiencing some concerning symptoms early in the evening. Fortunately Anne was able to piece together that a bunch of small things could possibly one larger (and more dangerous thing," and her mother and father ended up in the Emergency Room. When we left the physician's had diagnosed her with what equates to an uneven heart rate and she was admitted. This morning when I made it to bed, I had told myself that if I woke up on time this morning I'd go to the race, otherwise, "no big deal." (My father-in-law joked that if I ran well today I would never sleep before a run again.) As it turns out, I did get up with two hours to spare and headed out with the intent of putting in my 12k and heading home to follow-up...

The inaugural Fleet Feet Sports Summerfest actually has two different distances which one could register for, either a 5k (3.1 miles) or 12k (7.5-ish miles), so I opted for the longer run, especially as given my current training schedule I am supposed to put in 13 miles today. As I previously mentioned, for better or worse, I have drifted away from the plan this weekend in favor of doing more, faster runs of shorter differences. The hope is, of course, the difference in training comes out in the wash.

The 12k is an entirely a road race, as opposed to the 5k which will include some trails. While I would have liked to work on some trails (it just seems to go more quickly as I need to be more "mentally engaged"), I do love Mendon Ponds Park (pictured at the top of this post), the races location, so either way the scenery should be pleasant.

Post-Race Reflections: A wonderful event with lots of sun, camaraderie and fun... I can't recall my finishing time (or place, I took off for home soon after coming through the chute), but it was nice to have such a wonderful event to cap off the Syummer running season. Of course, the Fall running season starts next week!

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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