Run: 8 miles in approx. 1:04:35 min. @ 8:00 a.m.
Weather: Cloudy, 59°F, 75% Humidity, Wind: From NW @ 6 mph; feels like 59°F.
Pace: 8:03 min/mile
Course: A large loop going through the city, past Mt. Hope Cemetery and down around my stepson's school.
The corner of Robinson Drive and Mt. Hope. Running up the street visible to the right of the photo you pass both beautiful flowers to the left and tombstones to the right.Pre-Run Ruminations: Following up yesterday's twenty-one miles with
ten eight today will be no small feat, and a serious accomplishment as I return to some consistency in my running regiment. As was the case last weekend following my long (slow-ish?) training run, my knees and ankles are tender from the punishment endured yesterday, but I'm going into the run with the understanding that the completion of this second consectutove "back-to-back" longer weekend runs will further signify that I have met my short term (weekly) goal of matching the scheduled mileage for this week--albeit by adjusting training day values.
The view South from the Court Street Bridge. The Genesee River flows directly beneath
the recently re-christened Susan B. Anthony/Frederick Douglas Bridge. About two miles
further along on my run, I'll cross the river a second time going East toward Highland Park.Post-Run Reflections: My body responded much more positively than I had hoped and my run went well. Honestly, I felt as though I was running at a slightly faster pace than I ended up recording (8:03 min/mile). But, given that this morning's run comes twenty-four hours following a moderately paced 21-miler, I remain
very satisfied with the outcome in addiction to looking very forward to a "Rest" day from training tomorrow!
Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!
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