While I had an excellent week in terms of my running (mileage), I continue to ride something of a roller coaster relative to weight loss/gain. I suspect it has something to do with energy in-energy out; the more I run or exercise during the course of a week, the less likely I am to drop pounds, especially if I don't starve myself. My thinking is that if I am expending "x" number of calories through exercise, then I shoudl be able to balance that expenditure with an increase in what I am eating.
This past weekend, I ran almost thirty miles in two days and worked in the garden Sunday--it seemed to me that I had "worked out" more than enough to offset any overeating... not so much, I guess. What is important, though, is that I did manage to stick (roughly) to the spirit of my training plan. Here is just what went down this week:
Monday: RestIt is also
Tuesday: 4.4 miles
Wednesday: Rest
Thursday: 7.6 miles
Friday: 6.3 miles
Saturday: 21.3 miles
Sunday: 8 miles
TOTAL MILEAGE: R 47.6 miles (+12.6 miles from the previous week)
Weigh-In*: 192 lbs. (+2.5 lbs.) [* @ 5:00 a.m. on 5/25/09]
Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!
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