Sunday, June 14, 2009

Returning From the Simple Life

After almost two weeks "off-line," I'm glad to share that my wife and I have a new computer, and we she has everything up and running. I must confess that though I missed the act of blogging as a creative outlet, I was able to become re-acclimated to life off-the-grid with little problem.

It was reassuring to recognize how easily I made this transition back to a simpler time... one without the obsessive checking of e-mail or dropping/adding of players to a fantasy sports team, or the need to always be involved in one "blog battle"or other such endeavor. As a card carrying member of the techno-culture, and as one who felt somewhat dependent on the Internet (and technology in general) for news of the day (and minute), as well as a sense of community--I return to you with a new appreciation of having the occasional lack of access in one's life.

There certainly is nothing like sitting in a public library using 60 minutes blocks of reserved computer time (and with a neighbor longingly petting an animated kitty cat mewing on her computer monitor) to reaffirm the truth that there is much more to a healthy existence than surfing wasting time floating online for articles and news... not that I'm completely begging out of this "game" yet!

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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