Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Shame Regret with Apologies to Babe

Run: 4.9 miles in 36:51 min. @ 4:45 a.m.
Weather: Clear, 60°F, 90% Humidity, Wind: NNW @ 7 mph; feels like 60°F.
Pace: 7:31 min/mile
Course: A short, standard loop around my neighborhood.

Last evening I went with my stepson and wife to our relatives for dinner. If you'll recall, I have been eating a meat free diet for almost three weeks now, something I chose to do for a number of reasons, the least of which was not the fact that it made me feel somehow "healthier." (Though, both my wife, stepson and I have all eaten little red meat at various points in our lives--at times more stringently than others.)

Our relatives, however, were unaware of my recent choice in eating habits, (and apparently didn't realize I was coming anyway) and kindly made a dinner fr us consisting of grilled vegetables (potatoes, carrots, onions), sauteed asparagus's and... pork tenderloin.

Given the title of this post you can probably guess what I did--that is to say, I did have roughly one serving of pork, not because I was starving, but because I was trying to be respectful to my family who had prepared the meal. While running this morning, I felt a little guilty about it--"shame" is much too strong a word. As I sit here now, reflecting on both events, I am putting it behind me, as wearing some sort of psychological "hairshirt" will do little good. I will, however, recommit to my conviction and in the future, should I find myself torn, I will minimally offer up a "prayer," or gatha, to the table for the sacrifice apparent there in our meal:
In this food,
I see clearly the presence
of the entire universe
supporting my existence.
Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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