Monday, June 01, 2009

The Training Week That Was... 5/25-31

It's been a few weeks since my last race, a situation I hope to
resolve next weekend as part of my longer training plan in
anticipation of July Fourth's 50k trail run.

This week's cumulative mileage target represented (by intention) a reduction. Despite this, I did need to deviate slightly from the days resulting in three consecutive days of nearly ten mile runs, all of which I did manage to complete with little trouble. This coming week will feature a very long training run on Saturday (22 miles!), to be followed by my participation in a trail race (either 4.5 or 9 mile trail run depending on how the previous day goes) in over a month. Remarkably, I remain on target to run a trail ultra-marathon (50k or 33-ish miles) as p0art of the Finger Lakes Fifties over the Fourth of July weekend, only about four weeks away!

Here is what took place this past week:
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: 5.2 miles
Wednesday & Thursday: Rest
Friday: 9.7 miles
Saturday: 10.5 miles
Sunday: 11.1 miles

TOTAL MILEAGE: R 36.5 miles (-11.1 miles from the previous week)
Weigh-In*: 187.5 lbs. (-4.5 lbs.) [* @ 5:30 a.m. on 6/1/09]
Although I was not nearly as successful in meeting my committed to the mindful eating practice I had planned to begin in earnest this past week, my more conscientious effort did result (I believe) in a 4.5 lb. drop in my weight. It occurs to me that it has not been so much about limiting what I eat, but about portion control and eating more completely when I do. They key here will be to remain consistent and plan for my weight to either maintain or drop slightly over the next week, thereby avoiding another "bump up" and allowing the recent roller coaster to continue.

The entire preparation for meeting my personal running goals appears to be rounding into form...

Breathe in, breathe out… YOU AND I ARE ALIVE!

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