Friday, July 24, 2009

Garden Update

My wife "harvests" a meager crop of green beans, the only one of our vegetable plants to have produced enough "fruit" in need of picking so far this summer.

It's been a couple of weeks since I have posted about the progress of our vegetable garden, and with good reason: there has been surprisingly little progress to speak of! I guess I would attribute to the lack of "popping" in the garden to a very cool summer thus far (relatively speaking). In fact, except for a few smallish hot peppers and very unripe tomatoes, the only action to speak of has been the surprising (to me alone--Anne knew it would happen) growth of our green beans.

If you look ve-e-e-ry carefully, it does appear as though there may be a cucumber in our future.

We remain hopeful of at least a few "dog days" of heat during late July and August which could possibly maybe potentially result in a plethora of tomatoes and peppers.

Only time (and the camera) will tell!

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